Privacy Policy of "BLEvo - Trasforms your Levo into a Smart Levo" app

"BLEvo - Trasforms your Levo into a Smart Levo" requires to access to your GPS location in background in order to record the track of your ride. The GPS information will not be shared with nobody.
Location Permissions
Device location is regarded as personal and sensitive user data subject to the Personal and Sensitive Information policy and the Background Location policy, and the following requirements:
- "BLEvo - Trasforms your Levo into a Smart Levo" App doesn't access data protected by location permissions (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION) after it is no longer necessary to deliver current features or services in your app. The position is request only during the recording of the Bike activity.
- "BLEvo - Trasforms your Levo into a Smart Levo" App never requests location permissions from users for the sole purpose of advertising or analytics.
- "BLEvo - Trasforms your Levo into a Smart Levo" App requests the fine and background location permission to provide the precise record of the bike track. The and users should reasonably expect that this feature needs the level of location requested.
- Background location is used to provide features beneficial to the user and relevant to the core functionality of the app. "BLEvo - Trasforms your Levo into a Smart Levo" record the bike track in background.
Storage of sensitive data (GPS positions)
-The GPS positions are store in CSV in the folder of the BLEvo APP. The user can remove the file when he wants but the use of the app will be compromised because the old track recorded will not be available.
Sharing sensitive data (GPS positions)
-The GPS positions are share with STRAVA server only if the user want to do this. The BLEvo APP NEVER sends sensitive data automatically to no one. Also the developer cannot access to the sensitive data.

For any questions regarding privacy and application please ask to the developer via email "paolo dot dozio at gmail dot com"

Latest update: March 19, 2024